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the BILL CULLEN archive







The New York Times described him as, "the slim, alert man with the big horn-rimmed glasses, the large eyes, and the elfin grin which splits his face wide and lights it like a ball park at night."  Time Magazine said "his smile gleams as brightly as the lens of his eyeglasses, and whatever else may happen, he is never speechless."   Groucho Marx simply called him "the second-wittiest man on the air."


Bill Cullen was one of the busiest and most popular personalities in the history of television.  He appeared as a regular in more different television series than any other performer, and in a field where careers are sometimes measured in months, he was employed almost continuously for more than forty years in radio and television, often with multiple series on the air at the same time.  We hope you enjoy this site dedicated to the remarkable career of Bill Cullen.

© 2018-2019 by MATT OTTINGER, ADAM NEDEFF, and THE NARZ FAMILY. Proudly created with

the BILL CULLEN archive

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